About Us
Kitchen of Creation
Welcome to our Kitchen of Creation with our slightly Eccentric Chef
With over 10 years of Culinary experience in Switzerland and Singapore, we bring you top-quality dishes with our high technical skillsets.
While going through the mesmerizing tasting process, we want you to learn how ingredients can create strong memories with your loved ones as well.
Let us bring you through our thought process – We create, You Salivate
It gives me great pleasure to create ingredients with different techniques I have learnt to satisfy everyone's cravings
Kewei Goh, Owner
Chef's Creations
Delivering all combinations of ingredients within the kitchen.

Chicken Roulade
Mauris tristique adipiscing adipiscing

Salmon Mentaiko
Egestas et condimentum nunc morbi magna

Salmon Walnut-Herb Crust
Iaculis ac augue vivamus dui condimentum

The Barramundi
Ut sed aliquam tellus ipsum lacus

Seafood Risotto
In faucibus pellentesque nisl

Choco Cookies
Mollis a in eget sem feugiat
123 Demo St, Brooklyn, NY 12345, United States
- Opening Hours
12pm - 10pm
12pm - 11pm
For reservation
+1-123 456 7890
+1-123 456 7891